Govt. Dy. S.P. Aman Thakur Memorial Degree College Kastigarh (Doda)

Admission rules


Admission to four years undergraduate programme (FYUGP) shall be on the basis of merit and availability of seats in a particular "Major Subject". For the selection of the major subject, preference shall be given to the candidates who have studied the concerned subject at higher secondary part-II level.

a. A candidate to be eligible for admission to the four-years under graduate programme as per NEP 2020 must have passed the higher secondary part-II examination (10+2 pattern) of the Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education, CBSE or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto.
b. No candidate who wishes to enter a course of study prescribed by the university shall be admitted to college , unless he/she has passed the qualifying examination for admission to such course as prescribed under statutes.
c. A candidate shall be deemed to be a student of the college as soon as he/she has been accepted for enrolment by the respective principal and has paid the prescribed fee for the course. The admission shall, however, be provisional unless regularized by the university. Provided also that payment made in shape of fee paid by a student (which is refundable in case of admission or re-admission is refused) does not automatically confirm the right of admission or continuation as a student in the college campus
d. Production of certificate on admission: A candidate, while applying for admission to a college, shall submit with his/her application a certificate of his/her conduct signed by the head of the institution in which he/she was studying during the year previous to his/her joining the college.
For candidates applying for admission after a lapse of time following passing of higher secondary part-II examination, certificate of conduct must be signed by a competent authority prescribed by the College/University.
e. The principal shall be competent to cancel admission of a student enrolled for a programme of study if he/she remains absent continuously for a period of 20 days without permission of the principal concerned.
f. Admission in the college shall be made directly by the admission committee of the college concerned on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate in the qualifying examination.
g. Admission criteria, preference as well as the reservation policy shall be governed according to the guidelines issued by the Jammu & Kashmir Government.